Sunday, March 8, 2015

Looks can be Deceiving

Are you a Math hater?

Many people don't like Mathematics. A lot complain about its complexities, equations, variables, etc. Some also argue that all we need to know are the basic ones (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and the rest complicated equations are just invented to make students' life miserable. For instance, are the vendors using x, y, and z when telling the price of an item? Definitely not. Ha ha ha! Some people who really hate Math almost get dizzy even with just a slight glimpse of numbers... Okay, too much exaggeration here. XD Anyway, our last exercise in IT 1 class involved a lot of numbers. It was about number systems and base conversions. It included the decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal systems, and converting one to another.

Actually, I enjoyed the exercise very much! I'm not a big fan of Mathematics but I like it because it's one of the subjects that doesn't require too many memorization. Once you get the technique, you'll sure get through whatever the teacher will throw unto you. Our topic looked difficult at first but when we look closer, it's easy and fun to do.Also, we had a chance to interact more with our classmates because of that activity. IT 1 is definitely one of my favorite subjects already!

Some things in life are not as difficult as they may seem. Don't be afraid to look closer and venture. You might enjoy it and who knows, maybe you'll love it also. :)

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