Sunday, February 15, 2015

A New Venture

Ever since grade school, I dream of having my own blog. I had a few attempts of making before but none was successful. It all ended up a debacle because I just can't figure out how the website works, what to post, and I don't have enough time to maintain it. But hey, after all those years, maybe this would be it!

Now, I'd like to share my experience in creating this blog. Actually, I'm so excited when our professor told us that we will be creating a blog. I'm happy because unlike my other trial, I will now have a guide and a consistent boost in posting since this is a requirement. Ha ha! Anyway, I'm not really satisfied with the blog address because everything I tried was not available so I just used my name. As for the title, I didn't have a hard time thinking because I just used my favorite word. "Limerence" means the act of falling in love. Romance is my cup of tea so me liking this word is predictable. XD I invested a lot of time in my blog, making sure it would fit my brand and style.What consumed my hours is the designing of the blog. It's really hard to choose which template would fit, what color would look best and what design will I be the happiest. The most difficult part for me is picking the image for my background. I tried Aztec, gradient, nebula, etc. and after hours of browsing, I ended up with blue space bg which satisfied my taste. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the whole process. My blog is still on the process but so far, I can say that the experience is a little mind-exhausting but very fun and exciting at once!

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