Sunday, May 10, 2015

Frozen and the Big Hero

Writing a story may or may not be boring but with my teammates, it's the funniest and yet very excellent thing I've ever done this semester! HAHA

We are tasked to create a story about the calendar shift through Google docs and as creativity striked our imaginative minds, we made Frozen and the Big Hero. From the title itself, the main characters of our story is Baymax, Olaf and Calift (Calendar Shift). Basically, it was about Olaf who happened to be an exchange student and had the job to gather research papers from the IRRI but was attacked by the evil Calift (fire version of Elsa) who has a grudge for exchange students. Olaf melted but was saved by the warm hug from his friend Baymax. Baymax's love for his friend overpowered Calift's spell.

The purpose of our exercise is to enable students to collaborate and finish a project without going away from our own seats. We only communicated, shared our ideas, and made the story through Google docs. Viola! A masterpiece by our group ;)

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