Sunday, March 1, 2015


All of us need relationships. As the life saying goes, no man is an island. Our daily lives are defined by the relationships we have.

Even if you don't want it, all the relationships that we have in life will affect the way we live. And each of these comprises who we are.The same goes with the parts of a System Unit. Every part of it is essential and they affect the function of the whole system.

The Computer System Unit is consist of a power supply, hard disk drive, floppy drive, Central Processing Unit (CPU), RAM), cables (e.g. SATA, PATA), motherboard, fan, battery, etc. Each of these has specific functions and important roles. The power supply is connected to all the other parts because it provides the electricity needed in order for the others to work. In life, we can liken this to our relationship to God.

In our lab exercise, I was filled with knowledge about the parts, their functions, and the process on how to detach and assemble them again. I was also filled with appreciation for the insides of a System Unit, things I usually ignore. Lastly, I like the way the activity made us get to know more of our classmates and it gave us the exciting rush of adrenaline while putting the parts back to their places, a fun experience indeed!

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