Saturday, February 14, 2015

Who's Talking?

"Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions be louder than your words."

I'm eighteen, a current BS Nutrition student of the University of the Philippines Los BaƱos, a reader and a dreamer.

My parents are the best parents in the milky way (for us). They are the best one I could ever have and I'm very blessed and thankful for that. I have a sister with hair like a screamo band vocalist and a face with constellation of freckles hahaha! Kidding aside, she's an adorable, lovely and intelligent girl (seven years younger than me) who copies almost everything I do and whom I love from the bottom and up and sides of my heart. She's one of my inspirations and even if she doesn't believe it, I idolizes her more than any celebrity in this world. At this point in our lives, I'm already very very very proud of her. 

Reading is my lovely escape. Stories of romances with happily-ever-after are my cup of tea. I also love the books that make me cry. I enjoy dystopian novels that are full of action and adventure. And of course, silly books that make me laugh my heart out are also my favorite! My dream shelf is a collection of Nicholas Sparks' novels. Pittacus Lore's I Am Number Four Series is my all-time favorite. Also, I'm a fan of Rick Riordan's books because I'm fond of mythology.

My playlist is a diverse roll of songs, from pop to punk, etc. I love listening to music while on the road/ cleaning my room/ whenever I'm bored or in a state of partying and singing out loud or sometimes, just to uplift my mood. 

I love sleeping! It's my fav past time. Whenever I get a break from our day-to-day stressful academe life, I spend it on my bed, getting off to dreamland and having a nice rest.

Eating is also a hobby of mine. I like trying various dishes that looks delicious, venturing to new restaurants and eating at different places. My friend and I created a list of the foods we must eat together and restaurants we must eat at. Zagu is my comfort food. I'm a huge fan of beef. I like sweets and Filipino cuisine.

I have many dreams. After graduation, I plan to work and hopefully have an opportunity abroad. I want to treat my family to vacations to all the beautiful places in the Philippines and around the world. I want to give my parents some relaxation and luxury after all those years of hard work for us. I also want to be a Zagu franchiser and to have other businesses. I dream of putting up my own foundation or charity for the needy especially those kids abandoned by their parents. And of course, I want to have my own family, watch my children grow up and spend my life with the man that God prepared for me 'til our last breath. My life's  a journey of pursuits to my dreams and to God's purpose for me.

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart."
Psalms 37:4

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