Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Language of the Web

Due to the holidays, it felt so long ago since we had met. Before the laboratory hours arrived, I was in the spur of like a "first day". To have lectures and exercises kinda felt strange to me that moment and all I wanted was to go back home. Then, I learned that our topic would be HTMLs and whoa, that sounded difficult and complicated to me. So what happened next?

Last meeting's lesson was about HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). In my 18 years of existence, never did I appreciate the look of htmls for they look complicated to me. Also, I don't understand how it works. Gladly, by the end of the day, I got the opportunity to finally learn about it. Unexpectedly, I came to love it. Though I haven't memorized yet the codes and I still use the handout for guide, I enjoy doing it. It felt like a pro for me, actually. Lovin' HTMLs! :))

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