Friday, May 15, 2015

It ain't finish 'til it's done

The semester is finally about to end! Last meeting, we just had a bonus quiz and talked about our class project. Our topic was about the role of Information Technology in preserving the environment. We are required to submit a 2-3 minute video presentation. Then that's it! I really want have a vacation from all the stress the academe brings but then I somehow don't want the sem to end yet for I need more time to make my grades higher. But then, it's gonna end anyway so come what may!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Frozen and the Big Hero

Writing a story may or may not be boring but with my teammates, it's the funniest and yet very excellent thing I've ever done this semester! HAHA

We are tasked to create a story about the calendar shift through Google docs and as creativity striked our imaginative minds, we made Frozen and the Big Hero. From the title itself, the main characters of our story is Baymax, Olaf and Calift (Calendar Shift). Basically, it was about Olaf who happened to be an exchange student and had the job to gather research papers from the IRRI but was attacked by the evil Calift (fire version of Elsa) who has a grudge for exchange students. Olaf melted but was saved by the warm hug from his friend Baymax. Baymax's love for his friend overpowered Calift's spell.

The purpose of our exercise is to enable students to collaborate and finish a project without going away from our own seats. We only communicated, shared our ideas, and made the story through Google docs. Viola! A masterpiece by our group ;)

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Second Time Around

HTML pa more!

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) had beeen our topic last meeting. It further defines how to display HTML elements. The latest version is CSS3.

For the second time around, HTMLs was the focus of our class. Learning about the CSS was very interesting to me because again, it felt like a pro. However, using it and the designing part consumes a lot of time. Doing our exercise was fun yet requires your hours.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Language of the Web

Due to the holidays, it felt so long ago since we had met. Before the laboratory hours arrived, I was in the spur of like a "first day". To have lectures and exercises kinda felt strange to me that moment and all I wanted was to go back home. Then, I learned that our topic would be HTMLs and whoa, that sounded difficult and complicated to me. So what happened next?

Last meeting's lesson was about HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). In my 18 years of existence, never did I appreciate the look of htmls for they look complicated to me. Also, I don't understand how it works. Gladly, by the end of the day, I got the opportunity to finally learn about it. Unexpectedly, I came to love it. Though I haven't memorized yet the codes and I still use the handout for guide, I enjoy doing it. It felt like a pro for me, actually. Lovin' HTMLs! :))

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Come Play With Me

Will you play with me?

GAMES. Isn't playing the most fun thing to do? I bet we all enjoy gaming since childhood. I remember playing Chinese Garter, Tagu-taguan, Langit Lupa, etc. at a young age. Later on, I also played the Play Station and Computer. What a nice time to reminisce! <3

Anyway, last meeting we just played computer games involving programming. What I like about this is that we played and at the same time, we learned. If only education could be in this manner all the time, who would ever get tired or lazy? Just a few, I guess or better yet, none at all. :D

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Terrible Things

"Each day has its own troubles."

My week had been terrible enough. Series of wrong timings, lame decisions and personal problems filled each day. Then here comes the Digital Logic and Boolean Algebra and its complications. It's just hard to take in all of it. With all of these running in my head, I just find it hard to process everything.

Logic gates are small but terrible devices. When combined together, they produce outputs that have great functions. On the other hand, Boolean Algebra is as head-aching as it sounds. One needs to focus well in order to grasp the lesson easily.

I'm still not in my happiest state and I'm in great need of a happy pill so this is all for now. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Interesting and Challenging At Once

If you will be a Number System, what would you be and why?

This was the bonus item in our quiz and I'd like to share my answer. I chose to be a hexadecimal because unlike the others, this number system uses not just numbers but also letters. Same with me,aside from the fact that I'm unique from everyone, well we all are, I also believe that some of my capabilities are beyond others' limitations.

Again, our topic was about the Number Systems but this time, it focuses on the binary system and it involved binary addition and subtraction, as well as the negative representation of binary numbers. The discussion went a little uninteresting because the topic was not easy to understand and a bit confusing. I was glad that the exercise was by group and in contest form :3 So much love for group works especially at times like this! Ha ha :)) Though I didn't fully understand the lesson, I enjoyed the activity very much. But then, I have to study and practice at home. Weeew numbers, it make our life interesting and challenging at once! :-)